You can see the GPS navigator at the left corner of picture. It was worth a lot more than its cost, $350. It's essential item for road trip.
Golden gate bridge. It was 2nd time to visit San Francisco. As the same thinking when first time I saw it, I didn't know why people say it's beautiful. For me it's just a long bridge with heavy traffic. The drivers in California was a little rough. The cars rode with speed almost 15mph above the limit, changed the lane without signaling, blow horn frequently and never yield.
(10시 경에 샌프란시스코에 도착해서 후다닥 금문교 보고 Pier39가서 크램 차우더 먹었습니다. 한국식 후다닥 사진찍기 관광. 아내는 크램 차우더 덕분인지 벌건 반점들이 돋았었고. 써니베일에서 처형을 만났습니다. 그날 밤 저는 오랜만에 만난 친구들과 산호세 한국 일식집에서 소주잔을 기울였고. 무리했던 좀 힘든 여행이었습니다.)