Sunday, April 1, 2007

Korean calligraphy and antique: A photographer's Blog

At last week I met a high school colleague. It's been 3 years since I met him. He majored in German literature and Philosophy. Comparing that almost all of my colleagues are salaried workers, he who is interested in translation of Nietzsche's literary works is unusual man.

He may be in Finland at this week to attend a exhibition featuring the photographs taken by himself. Gosinga.Net is his blog where you can read essays about Korean antique and see photos. (What does it mean, Gosinga?)

(신학교를 지망하던 친구가 이제 불교에 관심을. 내 좁은 인간관계에서 엔지니어와 셀러리맨과는 다른 길을 가는 친구를 가끔 만난다는 것도 행운이다.)