Thursday, May 3, 2007

Got a Washington Drivers License

Finally I got a Washington Drivers License at this Tuesday.

It's essentially required to read the Drivers Guide at least once. It's very helpful to drive everyday in real life as well as to pass the written test. You can know what is the roundabouts, two-way left turn lanes and rules for driving. It also can make you avoid getting a ticket and save your money.

It took just 15 minutes for driving test. I think I was lucky to get the score 88.

(이번 주 월요일에 운전면허시험에 합격했습니다. 종이 쪼가리 라이센스 받은 것은 화요일. 필기시험보고 대략 1주일 걸렸으니 빠른편이지요. 6~8월 한참 UW에 학생들 몰려들고 신입들 꼬여들 때면 좀 더 기다려야 되지 않을까 싶습니다.)